Tuesday to Tuesday

This week.....

Friday Night: I attended an artist talk at Plum Gallery with Laura Mongiovi, a wonderful colleague and fellow artist.  Images of her visually supple and amazing work can be found here. Listening to Laura discuss her background and process made me really excited to get into the studio, and very thankful to work with such talented individuals. 

This Weekend: I spent family time celebrating my husband's birthday, we watched football and ate borsch. Below is an adorable photo of our nephew with our dog at the in-laws!

And then some paintings:

This is the painting that I can't quite seem to finish. Every time I think it's done, it's not. I have left this painting in the studio declaring victory too many times! I know it has the best of me at this point, but I am stubborn. I am hoping to loosen up the marks and trick it into something cohesive. We will see. I mostly hate everything but the girl bending over in the creek. Of course she is the figure I have touched the least, I really need to leave things alone more.

A new start on a small 9" x 12" painting, based on a single source photo. This painting features my mother, myself, our dog "bummer" (great name, thanks mom), and my brother's hands. I am most excited about my brother's hands, floating arms are really in this season with my paintings!

Finally, I am working on a group of 7" x 5" paintings. I posted two last week. Here is a shot of the four recently completed, followed by two close-ups made this week.  You can tell the time of day changes, because my carpet color shifts.