I am very happy to share the installation shots of
Remember Where We Parked, the show closed yesterday at Florida School for the Arts at St. Johns River State College. It was a fantastic show and I would like to give a special thanks to Sarah Alexander, the gallery director, for making it possible.
Here are several close-ups of pieces completed over the winter break for the show:
Sleep Now #1, 16" x 20", oil on canvas, 2013 |
Sleep Now #2, 16" x 20", oil on canvas, 2013 |
Sleep Now #3, 16" x 20", oil on canvas, 2013 |
The Deep End, 24" x 24", oil on canvas, 2013 |
TS 158 (somehow I missed this number a while back) |
TS 169 |
TS 170 |
TS 171 |
TS 172 |
Finally, this painting was deemed "finished" for the show and is definitely NOT. Let it be known that no painting is safe upon arrival at home!